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Ludwig new york piano serial number lookup

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Even many of those who dismissed the exercise jumped right in: “This is absurd, of course. I was moved by how many readers could not wait to share their lists of favorite composers, whom, naturally, they also considered the greats. Just as we organize our lives by keeping those we love in a network of support, we do something similar with the composers we rely on. Yet what came through in the comments from readers and, I hope, my articles and videos is that for most of us these composers are not monumental idols but living, compelling presences. Indeed, as he writes, “greatness” and “seriousness” are not classical music’s defining characteristics it can also “be stupid, vulgar and insane.”Īll true. In this essay he argues that the very term “classical music” makes this vibrant art form seem dead. He cited the title essay in “Listen to This,” a collection of astute, lively writings by Alex Ross, the music critic for The New Yorker and my good friend, which was published last year (Farrar, Straus & Giroux). Early on I received a friendly challenge from a reader (“Scott”) who questioned the whole notion of greatness in music. However preposterous the exercise may seem, when I found myself debating whether to push Brahms or Haydn off the list to make a place for Bartok or Monteverdi, it made me think hard about their achievements and greatness.Īh, greatness. To step back for a moment, I began this project with bravado, partly as an intellectual game but also as a real attempt to clarify - for myself, as much as for anyone else - what exactly about the master composers makes them so astonishing. I am about to reveal my list, though as those who have been with me on this quest already know, I’ve dropped hints along the way.

ludwig new york piano serial number lookup

As often as I could, I answered direct questions online and jumped into the discussion.

ludwig new york piano serial number lookup


The argument, laid out in a series of articles, online videos and blog posts, was enlivened by the more than 1,500 informed, challenging, passionate and inspiring comments from readers of The New York Times. This article completes my two-week project to select the top 10 classical music composers in history, not including those still with us.

Ludwig new york piano serial number lookup